Electron-phonon improvements- Electron-phonon coupling is now also supported also for noncollinear/spin-orbit calculations
- General code optimization, giving about 10x better performance and reduced memory usage
- Generate energy-dependent scattering rates from the fully k-point dependent ones, for mobility calculations
- A smallish approximation (often) which reduces computation time - and memory usage - substantially; cf. picture to the right
- All output is now in tensor form (conductivity/resitstivity, mobility etc)
- New analysis options: First moment, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductance (so, it's now possible to compute ZT with electron-phonon coupling included), Hall coefficient / Hall conductivity tensor
- New inelastic transmission spectrum (IETS) analyzer (cf. the analysis part of the tutorial on IETS of a H-molecule between 1D Au chains - this can now be done in the GUI, without scripts)
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General performance improvements- Automatic multi-core parallelization per k-point - available already in 2015 but hard to use, now it's default which means ATK can scale out-of-the-box to 100s of cores even for systems with few k-points (cf. picture on the right)
- Improved performance of the LabFloor when project is located on a remote drive
- Multi-level MPI parallelization implemented for
- HTST events
- Adaptive Kinetic Monte Carlo (AKMC)
- DynamicalMatrix computations
- GlobalOptimization (aka crystal structure prediction tool)
- IVCurve
- Also fixed logging of these functions (all output now going to separate files)
- For example, 3-level deep parallelization for AKMC (saddle searches, k-points, and multi-core per k-point) and similarly for DynamicalMatrix
- Improved parallelization of the contour integration in NEGF
- Brand new NEB implementation, a lot faster
- PEXSI solver
- Order(N) for very (very!) large bulk systems
- Can also be really useful for equivalent bulk (often a big bottleneck for devices)
- Gamma point only and non-polarized, for now
- Opens up for DFT calculations with 10,000+ atoms, as demonstrated by SIESTA (http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0194) but requires parallelization over 100s or 1000s of cores
- Optimize forces and stress simultaneously, instead of leap-frogging stress/force steps as the old algorithm did, giving substantial improvements in calculation time (cf. picture on the right)
- Significant performance improvements in ATK-Classical (2-10x over 2015)
- Benchmarks show that ATK-Classical is as fast as LAMMPS on a single machine (MPI is not yet implemented)
| The blue curve will be obtained using default settings in ATK 2016, while the red would be the possible case for ATK 2014. A10x speed-up for optimization of cell size and atomic positions can be obtained in ATK 2016 compared to 2015. |
New basis sets and pseudopotentials- Full set of SG15 pseudopotentials for the periodic table H-Bi (excl. the lantanoids)
- OMX basis sets have also been improved slightly
| Delta-test results for the GGA SG15 pseudopotentials with the new "high" basis sets in ATK 2016 show that almost all elements are below 2 meV (dark green). |
Ion dynamics / MD- Entirely new MD framework in ATK
- All thermostats and barostats support linear heating and cooling
- All barostats support both isotropic and anisotropic pressure coupling, as well as linear compression
- All MD methods are improved wrt. stability, flexibility, and performance
- Martyna–Tobias–Klein barostat, state-of-the-art algorithm, replaces the NPTMelchionna method
- Corrections for some mistakes in the ASE MD routines
- Allows for more flexibility to implement e.g. meta-dynamics
- New constraints framework for MD and geometry optimization
- XYZ constraints added
- Fix center of mass in MD
- Can now constrain the Bravais lattice also when target stress is applied
- New MD framework also allows implementation of custom constraints (example: implement a simple force field as a constraint)
- Quick estimate of the HTST rate pre-factor using the curvature of the NEB reaction path
- Show warning (at beginning and end of simulation) if NEB end-points are not optimized
- New potential type in ATK-Classical
- MEAM: a very flexible potential type, that is applicable to both metallic and covalent systems
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OneProbe/SurfaceConfiguration- Brand new, revolutionzing concept - compute real surfaces without resorting to the slab approximation, but instead using an NEGF approach with real physical boundary conditions
- Calculate the surface properties of materials with more systematic convergence and effort (order of magnitude) than the slab approach
- Numerical contour integration of the surface Green's functions, coupled to DFT - i.e. just like for two-probe devices, but with only one electrode (the substrate)
- Properly describes charge transfer from bulk to surface/molecule (in a slab, moving charge to the surface leaves the "bulk" charged which shifts the Fermi level)
- Allows inclusion of real bias on surface, without dipole correction, which is particularly important for reaction barriers on surface
Example applications:- Work function calculations
- Molecular absorption
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Surface reactions (MD, NEB)
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Script Generator updates- Set MGGA-TB09 "c"-parameter
- Improved functionality in "Analysis from File"
- Read also DynamicalMatrix and HamiltonianDerivatives and other quantities
- Query the NC file for available object IDs
- Set solvent dielectric constant for the Poisson equation
- Set checkpoint file and time interval
- New constraints editor
- Also used for the DynamicalMatrix, etc.
- Much more flexible approach for setting initial spins
- Setup of parallelization and other performance options
Job Manager updates- New diagnostics tool to help setting up remote clusters
- Possibility to set working directory for each job separately for remote jobs (still a unique subdirectory is created in the working directory)
- Many stability improvements
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3D and 2D plotting in VNL- Autowrap atoms (outside the cell) in movies and other 3D windows
- Show equivalent atoms in bulk (periodically repeated)
- More flexibility for determining which atoms are bonded or not ("fuzz factor" control)
- Multiple light sources in 3D
- All 2D plots modernized, using Matplotlib
- New plot style for complex band structure plots, both in 2D and 3D
- Brillouin zone viewer, tooltips, and other improvements
- New volume rendering styles in 3D: voxel plots, point clouds (with carving options)
- Polyhedral view of crystals
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Plugins for external codes- New QuantumEspresso "Custom Scripter" to generate QE input files
- Also some added features for visualizing results
- VASP Scripter updates
- Set up constraints
- Preview INCAR
- Add your own custom lines to INCAR
- 20x faster LAMMPS import
- MBNExplorer import/export
- Cclib, for importing files from various quantum chemistry codes
- Packmol is now shipped as a plugin in the Builder, letting you set up initial structures for MD with molecules packed into a certain volume
- PyMatGen (pre-compiled) is now included in the package
| The pymatgen module is now part of ATKPython, and above is a water model made in VNL using Packmol. |
Licensing updates- Licenses that are checked out will never be checked in until the end of the script
- This means, you will never end up in a situation where e.g. you are looping over DFT calculations, and the license is "stolen" by someone else midway in the script
- A parallel NEB calculation will now use only 1 master and N-1 slaves to run on N cores (earlier M masters where M=number of images).
- Similar rules apply for AKMC, IVCurve, and other high-level parallel schemes
- Added command line parameter -X for faster start-up without auto-loading of the NanoLanguage module
- LM-X update to 4.8.1 for Linux
- Fixes bugs in the license server scripts
- New license setup procedure, inside VNL
- Guides the user, also when they have no license
- Available from within VNL, to reconfigure the setup
- More obvious how to obtain the "automatic" demo license
- Much better error checking
Platform updates- Mac OS X version introduced
- Better Unicode support: you can now name your project Д汉字խ
- RedHat/CentOS 5 are no longer supported
- libXC upgraded
- Switched from Qt4 to Qt5 - auto-solved some bugs and added new features in the API we can take advantage of
- We still use PyQt4 however
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Miscellaneous- Database tool to query the Crystallography Online Database
- Ozaki equilibrium contour; highly stable calculation of the equilibrium density matrix in device calculations, particularly useful if the electronic eigenvalue spectrum is very deep
- Verbosity framework, allows you to control how many details ATK should print out while running
- New k-point grids
- Gamma-centered even Monkhorst-Pack k-point grids
- General k-point shift also possible
- Regular k-point mesh sampling for (Phonon)TransmissionSpectrum, which include the edge of the Brillouin zone
- Also added possibility to sample only a segment of the Brillouin zone
- Full Hartree potential can now be obtained
- As a result, the old "ElectrostaticDifferencePotential" is now called "HartreeDifferencePotential" (unit eV)
- ElectrostaticDifferencePotential and ElectrostaticPotential are now available with unit Volt (they are simply -1/e*HartreePotential)
- New Hubbard U method - shift applied per angular momentum, implemented on the pseudopotential projectors (like in plane-wave codes)
- New public methods for configurations, like setCartesianCoordinates (to move atoms)
- Added keyword Evac for DFTB, like in Hückel
- All correlation functionals and basis sets are now available for MGGA
- Icosahedron builder
- PhysicalQuantity engine radically improved
- Avoid some annoying errors and allow more flexible notation, also allowing unit and unitless quantities to interact more easily
- Possibility to use different primitive-to-conventional transformation matrices
- Also for UnitCell lattices
- VNL "crashlog" now pops up when generated, to give the user clear information about what went wrong
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