A bugfix update to VNL-ATK 2017 has been released (version 2017.2).
Download the update from http://quantumwise.com/products/download as usual. Your license for 2017.0 will work for this version too.
For more information about VNL-ATK 2017, see the original release letter.
2017.2 updates
This update contains only a couple of fixed bugs and an updated EULA (End-User License Agreement) to reflect that QuantumWise is now part of Synopsys.
Learn why QuantumWise becoming part of Synopsys is a big step forward for atomic scale modeling!
(The number in parenthesis on each line is our internal tracking number.)
Fixed bugs and other changes
- Added forgotten Effective Mass plugin (23481)
- Corrected the total energy in a LCAO spin-orbit calculation with processes_per_kpoint > 1 (22862)
- ATK PlaneWave: BlochState only had periodic part, without phase (22772)
- Updated EULA to reflect that QuantumWise is now part of Synopsys
- release letter